
Highways and Interstates are dangerous places to work. Casey J. Kohlmeier was a six year veteran of the Pontiac Police Department and had served in the United States Air Force from 2002-2006.

While in the service, he was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal, Air Force Training Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Air Force BMT Honor Graduate Ribbon, Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon, NCO Professional Military Education Ribbon, Air Force Good Conduct Medal, Meritorious Unit Award, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. He was Airman of the Year in 2005.

On the night of Oct. 30, 2013, he and his K-9 partner Draco were parked in a median strip along Interstate 55, when their vehicle was struck by a drunk driver who veered off the Interstate.

Casey and Draco were buried together.